Festival of Bright Ideas
Festival brand, signage, and website
Festival of Bright Ideas is a community-based educational festival that engages children in hands-on science-based activities and promotes careers in scientific careers as important, achievable and locally relevant.
Working alongside the Festival of Bright Ideas since 2017, we’ve developed their brand presence and created an extensive range of brand assets to promote the festival — resulting in a continuous rise in interest and attendance every year.
It was important that the brand be functional in a range of formats and be engaging to kids, families, and school groups. We focused strongly on a fun and dynamic tone, portraying a sense of wonder and awe. We enjoy the ongoing opportunity to create a strong brand for the festival, making sure the vision and core qualities of FoBI are communicated in a memorable way.
Our goal for the FoBI website was to match the level of engagement, playfulness and forward-thinking characteristics of the festival, whilst keeping the UX simple and informative. As you scroll through the website, there is a flow through each section of content and imagery. The site is a balance of detailed and block colours, with graphics that give impressions of a range of depths — mirroring the range of sciences that are on display at the festival.
- Brand Design
- Art Direction
- Graphic Design
- Web Design
- Web Development